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Export Pipe Network Command

A pipe network is used to manage a collection of pipes and structures that are associated with each other to represent a pipe system. In GeoHECHMS, the user can use the Export Pipe Network command to export the pipe network data. This command exports a pipe and manhole network to a LandXML file format. Saving the pipe network data in a LandXML file allows the user to use it with other applications effortlessly.

The following list details the conversions that will occur when exporting a pipe network to a LandXML file.

GeoHECHMS ElementsLandXML File Elements


  • If a reach element does not have a circular shape, the reach will not be exported.
  • If a junction is not attached to a reach, the junction will not be exported.

Follow the steps below to use the Export Pipe Network command:

  1. From the Input ribbon menu, click the Export Data dropdown menu and then select the Export Pipe Network command.
    Export Pipe Network input ribbon menu command
  2. The Export Pipe Network file open dialog box will be displayed.
  3. From the displayed dialog box, browse to the location to export the pipe network data, enter the file name (it should have a file extension of .xml), and then click the [Save] button.
    Export Pipe Network file open dialog box
  4. The software will then export the pipe and manhole network to a LandXML file.

Note that when this command is selected, the software first checks to see if there is any HEC-HMS data already loaded. If the software does not find any HEC-HMS model data in the current project, the following informational dialog box will be displayed.
Export Pipe Network informational dialog box

About the Author Chris Maeder

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