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  4. Conflate Point Data Command

Conflate Point Data Command

The Conflate Point Data command allows the user to define a buffer distance for the selected cross sections, roadway crossings, lateral structures, inline structures, and SA/2D flow area connections for mapping elevation point data.

This article describes how to use the Conflate Point Data command in GeoHECRAS software. This command can also be used for the HEC-HMS cross sections.

Mapping Elevation Point Data to Adjacent Cross Sections

The Conflate Point Data command for cross sections allows survey point data to be merged into cross sections in order to define cross section geometry. This is especially helpful in projects where there is no cross section bathymetry data available for the cutting of cross sections. This command works with XYZ point files, AutoCAD drawings, and GIS point shapefiles.

Follow the steps given below to use the Conflate Point Data command:

  1. From the Input ribbon menu, select the Cross Sections dropdown menu and then select the Conflate Point Data command.
    Conflate Point Data Input ribbon menu command
  2. The Conflate Point Data dialog box will be displayed.
    Conflate Point Data dialog box

The following sections describe the Conflate Point Data command and how to interact with the above dialog box.

Selecting Cross Sections

This section is used to manually select the cross sections for mapping elevation point data. If a cross section is already selected on the Map View prior to running this command, the same cross section will be shown selected within the table.

Alternatively, click the [Pick] button to interactively select the cross sections from the Map View. Clicking the [Select All] button causes all the cross sections to be selected. Clicking the [Clear All] button causes all the cross sections to be deselected. The Total selected read-only field will show the number of selected cross sections.

Point Data Source

This section is used to define the survey cross section point data source to be used for mapping elevation point data. Depending upon the point data source type that is selected, different options are provided to specify additional point data information.

The user can select from the following survey cross section point data available in the Point source dropdown combo box:
  • CAD Drawing
  • GIS Points
  • Point Elevation Data

Filter Point Data

This optional section allows the user to sort survey cross section point data based upon attribute type. The user can select from the following attribute types available in the Point code attribute dropdown combo box:
  • Elevation
  • Layer
  • ObjectID
  • PointCode
  • Type

Clicking the [Select All] button causes all the survey cross section point code to be selected. Clicking the [Clear All] button causes all the survey cross section point code to be deselected.

Cross Section Conflation Parameters

This section allows the user to define the buffer distance for the selected cross sections which identifies where the surveyed cross section data should be snapped to the cross sections in the Cross section buffer distance entry field. Snapping of survey data can be either perpendicular to the cross section or parallel to the river reach polyline. The assignment of the surveyed cross section data can be assigned based upon the following methods listed under the Point assignment to cross section dropdown combo box:
  • Parallel to River Reach (default)
  • Perpendicular to Cross Section

Cross Section Conflation Parameters

Assign Bank Stations

This optional section is used to construct channel bank locations based upon an assumed normal flow depth entered in the Channel depth entry field and a maximum channel width search distance entered in the Maximum channel width entry field. The software will first determine where the thalweg location is on a cross section. It will then move outward from the thalweg until the requested channel depth is reached within the maximum channel width specified.

Cross Section Region Conflation Control

This section allows the user to control the extent of the surveyed cross section data to be assigned as geometry data to the selected cross sections. The user can choose from the following options available in the Conflate cross section geometry for dropdown combo box:
  • Both Overbanks
  • Channel Only (default)
  • Entire Cross Section
  • Left Overbank Only
  • Right Overbank Only

The Replace existing overlapping geometry data checkbox option allows the user to replace the existing cross section geometry data with the surveyed cross section data.

Similar to mapping elevation point data for cross sections, the user can map elevation point data for the following structures:
  • Inline structures
  • lateral structures
  • SA/2D flow area connections
  • Roadway crossings

Mapping Elevation Point Data to Adjacent Inline Structure

Using the Conflate Point Data command of the Inline Structures menu item, the user can map elevation point data to adjacent inline structure weir crest geometry within a buffer area region.
Conflate Point Data command of the Inline Structures menu item

Selecting this command will cause the software to display the following dialog box.
Conflate Point Data dialog box

Mapping Elevation Point Data to Adjacent Lateral Structure

Using the Conflate Point Data command of the Lateral Structures menu item, the user can map elevation point data to adjacent lateral structure weir crest geometry within a buffer area region.
Conflate Point Data command of the Lateral Structures menu item

Selecting this command will cause the software to display the following dialog box.
Conflate Point Data dialog box

Mapping Elevation Point Data to Adjacent SA/2D Flow Area Connections

Using the Conflate Point Data command of the SA/2D Connections menu item, the user can map elevation point data to storage area/2D flow area connections weir crest geometry within a buffer area region.
Conflate Point Data command of the SA/2D Connections menu item

Selecting this command will cause the software to display the following dialog box.
Conflate Point Data dialog box

Mapping Elevation Point Data to Adjacent Roadway Crossing

Using the Conflate Point Data command of the Roadway Crossings menu item, the user can map elevation point data to adjacent roadway crossing geometry within a buffer area region.
Conflate Point Data command of the Roadway Crossings menu item

Selecting this command will cause the software to display the following dialog box.
Conflate Point Data dialog box

Note that if the model contains only 2D elements, then 1D Roadway Crossing panel will be disabled.

About the Author Chris Maeder

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