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  4. Assign Floodway Stations Command

Assign Floodway Stations Command

The Assign Floodway Stations command is used to automatically assign floodway stations from GIS polyline or polygon shapefiles to HEC-RAS cross sections for floodway computation encroachment method 1.

Follow the steps below to use the Assign Floodway Stations command:

  1. From the Analysis ribbon menu, select the Floodplain Encroachments dropdown menu and then choose the Assign Floodway Stations command.
    Assign Floodway Stations command of Floodplain Encroachments dropdown menu from Analysis ribbon menu
  2. The Assign Floodway Stations dialog box will be displayed.
    Assign Floodway Stations dialog boxNote that if the current scenario is not defined as a steady flow type, the following informational dialog box will be displayed when opening the Assign Floodway Stations dialog box.
    Incorrect Flow Type informational dialog box

The following sections describe the Assign Floodway Stations command and how to interact with the above dialog box.

Selecting Encroachment Profile

The Select Encroachment Profile section allows the user to select the water surface profile for which the encroachment method 1 floodway station is to be assigned. The Water surface profile dropdown combo box lists all the water surface profiles defined for the current model.
Water surface profile dropdown combo box

Selecting Floodway Shapefile Layer

The Select Floodway Shapefile Layer section allows the user to select either a polyline or polygon shapefile layer. The GIS polyline or polygon layer dropdown combo box lists all the GIS shapefile data defined for the current model.
GIS polyline or polygon layer dropdown combo box

Plot Floodway Stations on Map View

This section allows the user to plot the mapped encroachment floodway stations to the Map View. This will allow the user to validate the encroachment station locations on the Map View relative to the selected GIS shapefile data. By default, the Plot Floodway Stations on Map View section checkbox is checked.
Plot Floodway Stations on Map View section

  • Layer name
    This input field allows the user to name the layer that will be created in the Map Data Layers panel that will define the floodway stations. By default, the layer name is set to 100 yr Floodway Stations, which can be changed by the user.
  • Symbol type
    This option allows the user to define the color, size, and shape of the points that will depict the floodway station locations on the Map View.
  • Delete previously plotted floodway stations
    This checkbox option allows the user to delete any previously generated floodway stations from the model. By default, this checkbox is checked.

Assigning Floodway Stations

Once the options have been properly defined, click the [Assign] button. The software will assign the selected GIS layer as floodway encroachment stations on the Map View.
[Assign] button

After the floodway encroachment stations have been assigned, the software will then identify the assigned floodway encroachment stations as a new group in the Map Data Layers panel. The user can also export the layers to CAD by selecting the Export to CAD command from the right-click context menu.
Export to CAD command from the right-click context menu

About the Author Chris Maeder

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